8 Steps to Make Easy Homemade Butter

The butter is a product derived from milk that not too difficult to manufacture, especially with using of  the latest foods processing equipments. The butter produced from milk which comes from cows that fed with grass has much nutrition and very healthful and is regarded as a super-food by followers of native diet.

It is important to ensure that the raw milk is from excellent source to which instructions are adhered to and the whole operation is clean, because there is no heat treatment to produce butter.

Things to Prepare:
  • Butter mold
  • Mixer or blender
  • Raw milk
  • Salt
  • Wooden spoons

8 Steps to Make Homemade Butter:
  1. Allow raw milk to be put in the refrigerator in a glass container with a wide opening of one or two days, until the cream and the line of separation of milk is clearly visible.
  2. Use a spoon or laddle to remove the cream from the top of the milk in a blender or mixer. Be careful not to fall below the threshold of cream, for example, add the milk will make the process longer. You want the thickest part of the best butter cream.
  3. Put the mixer on its base, or the bowl of mixer with a  blender or whisk attachment and begin to treat the cream on low to medium speed.
  4. Stop the blender occasionally and use a spatula to scrape the cream and lumps to the rest of the cream.
  5. Watch for the forming of dense clumps and red globules. When the butter forms in a large group of clumps in the blender or mixer attachment, turn it off.
  6. Drain the buttermilk (thin liquid) in a jar for future use (it's great for pancakes and waffles). Keep refrigerated.
  7. Use a wooden spoon to press together the butter. Rub down the remaining buttermilk, add salt to taste, and rub down the salt into the butter.
  8. Press the butter into mold or a class container. Cover and refrigerate before use.

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