Waste Water Management on the Textile Industry

Abstract: A treatability study of textile wastewater using coagulation by adding polyelectrolytes ((1-2 ppm) at pH (6.7-7.5) and primary sedimentation followed by aeration and final settling gave a good results. COD decreased from 1835 to 120 ppm, SS decreased from 960 to 120 ppm and sulphate from 1350 to 125 ppm. In the full-scale treatment plant filtration is used to improved results by decreasing COD, from 263 to 55 and SS from 295 to 10 and Sulphate from 158 to 100 ppm respectively.

Keywords: Textile Industrial wastewater, (TIWW) Chemical precipitation, Coagulation, Chemical oxidation, Activated Carbon

Title: Textile Wastewater Treatment

By: Hamdy Seif* and Moheb Malak**
* Lecturer, Sanitary Eng. Dept., Faculty of Eng., Alexandria University, Egypt
** M.Sc. Student, Faculty of Eng., Alexandria University, Egypt

Sixth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC 2001, Alexandria, Egypt.

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