What Ethanol Is and How to Produce It

What Ethanol Is and How to Produce It. | ethanol is, www ethanol, about ethanol, ethanol alcohol, alcohol ethanol, is ethanol alcohol, ethanol in alcohol, ethyl ethanol, ethyl alcohol ethanol, ethanol ethyl alcohol, what is ethanol - How is ethanol made? - Ethanol can be any culture or a plant that contains a lot of sugar or components that can be converted into sugar such as starch or cellulose. As the name suggests, sugar beet and sugar cane contain natural sugars. Crops such as corn, wheat and barley contains starch that can be easily converted into sugar. Most of the trees and the grass is made from cellulose, which can change the sugar, but is not as easy as starch.

Most ethanol is produced through a four step process:
1. The burden of ethanol (crops or plants) are ground to facilitate the processing;
2. Sugar dissolves in the ground crew, or the starch or cellulose into sugar;
3. The microbes feed on sugar dioxide, ethanol and carbon products, and
4. The ethanol is purified to obtain the correct concentration.

It is also possible to produce ethanol through a wet milling process, which is used by many leading producers of ethanol. This process also provides products such as corn syrup, high fructose, which is used as a sweetener in many foods.

What is ethanol? - Ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol and shortened EtOH) is an alternative fuel based on alcohol that is blended with gasoline to produce a fuel with higher octane and less harmful emissions than pure gasoline.

Ethanol is made from corn or other plants - Ethanol is produced by fermentation of grains such as wheat, barley and wheat. Another form of ethanol, known as bio-ethanol can be produced from a variety of trees and plants, although the process is more difficult.
The chemical formula for ethanol is CH3CH2OH. Low and ethanol is ethane with a hydrogen molecule replaced by a hydroxyl,-OH, which is linked to a carbon atom.

Blending ethanol with gasoline - Percent ethanol blends at least 85 are considered alternative fuels in the Energy Policy Act of 1992. E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, is used in flexible fuel vehicles, which are offered by leading automakers. Vehcles fuel hoses can run on gasoline, E85 or any combination thereof.

Mixtures with more ethanol and E95, are also the main fuel alternatives. Mixtures with lower concentrations of ethanol E10 (10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline), are sometimes used to increase octane and improve emissions, but are not considered alternative fuels.

Ethanol is good for the economy - Ethanol production supports farmers and creates domestic jobs. And because ethanol is produced locally from crops, reduce U.S. dependence foreign oil and increase energy independence of the nation.

How much does it cost to use ethanol? - Ethanol is a widely available alternative fuel that can be used in many vehicles already on the road, but is it profitable to use ethanol or an ethanol / gasoline rather than non-mixed gas?

Gallons of E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, usually costs about the same as the gallon of gasoline, although prices can vary slightly depending on location.

Comparable cost per gallon, but less fuel - A gallon of ethanol contains less energy than a liter of gasoline, however, so you can lower the mileage on ethanol and is required to fill your tank more often, which could be your fuel costs.

For current information on the cost of ethanol and other alternative fuels, download the latest report alternative fuel prices in the Department of Energy USA.

Vehicles that use of ethanol will pay more than others - Vehicles that can use E85 are widely available in many models, sedans, vans, SUVs, vans and light trucks, and usually costs about the same as vehicles that run solely on gasoline. The Department of Energy online calculator offers a flexible fuel vehicle cost that makes it easy to determine the costs and benefits of using E85 in flexible fuel vehicles in which they live.

How does the performance compare ethanol to gasoline? - Ethanol is widely available and inexpensive reasonable, but this kind of performance can drivers expect from a car running on ethanol or an ethanol / gasoline?

A gallon of pure ethanol contains the energy about 66 percent more than a gallon of gasoline. A gallon of E85, a blend of 85 percent of the communes of ethanol and 15 percent of gasoline contains the energy around 71 percent more than a gallon of gasoline do not mix.

Drivers using E85 can expect fuel economy to 15 percent less than you would with gasoline. Other performance factors such as speed, power, acceleration and cruising are essentially equivalent in E85 vehicles and the burning of conventional fuels.

Where can I buy ethanol? - Ethanol can be good for the environment and the economy, and provide an alternative high-octane gasoline, but how easy is it to find service stations that sell ethanol blends or ethanol?

Filling stations that carry E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, will be available in all states of the United States. In total, more than 900 public E85 fueling stations are available throughout the United States, although most of them located in the Midwest.

The U.S. Department of Energy has a station locator to help consumers find stations that carry E85 ethanol fuels and others.

Many vehicles are already equipped to use ethanol - Flexible fuel vehicles using E85 is also extended. Since 2005, the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition, approximately five million flexible fuel vehicles have already been sold in the United States, although many buyers do not realize they can use their E85 cars and trucks.

Your car is equipped to use ethanol? - To see if you are driving a flexible fuel vehicle E85 compatible, check your owner's manual, ask your provider, or a list of current flexible fuel vehicles provided by the Department of Energy USA.

What are the benefits of using ethanol? - Ethanol is an alternative fuel relatively cheap, but what are the benefits of using ethanol or an ethanol blend instead of pure gasoline?

Using ethanol as an alternative to gasoline contains a number of advantages.

Ethanol is good for the environment - Overall, ethanol is considered better for the environment than gasoline. Ethanol-fueled vehicles produce lower carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions, and the same or a lower hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions.

E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, is also less volatile than gasoline, resulting in fewer evaporative emissions.

The addition of ethanol to gasoline costs as low as 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline (E10), gasoline reduces carbon monoxide emissions and improve the octane of fuel.

Ethanol is widely available and easy to use - Flexible fuel vehicles can use E85 is widely available and come in many different styles of most major manufacturers. The E85 is also widely available on an increasing number of stations across the United States.

Flexible fuel vehicles have the advantage that we can use E85, gasoline or a combination of the two, in which drivers the flexibility to select the fuel that is readily available and suitable for their needs.

Ethanol is good for the economy - Ethanol production supports farmers and creates domestic jobs. And because ethanol is produced locally from crops grown, it reduces U.S. dependence on foreign oil and increase energy independence of the nation.

What are the disadvantages of using ethanol? - Ethanol and other biofuels are often promoted as a clean alternative and gasoline is relatively cheap, but what are the challenges of widespread adoption of ethanol and other biofuels?

The two biggest criticisms of ethanol and other biofuels are:
1. Create herbal agricultural biofuels requires too much to be practical or sustainable land would be better used to grow food.
2. Biofuels ethanol and other uses more energy than the fuel can be produced.

The challenge of growing enough to meet demand for ethanol and / or the production of biodiesel is important and, some say, overwhelming. According to some authorities, the production of biofuels to permit their widespread use could mean the conversion of forests are the most in the world and open areas to agricultural land, some people are willing to sacrifice to make.

"Replacing only five percent of diesel consumption in the country with biodiesel would require diverting approximately 60 percent of soy now for the production of biodiesel," said Matthew Brown, energy consultant and former energy program director at National Conference of State Legislatures. "This is bad news for tofu lovers."

In a 2005 study, Cornell University researcher David considers the energy required to grow and convert them into biofuels Pimental, and concluded that corn ethanol production requires energy of 29 percent ethanol is able to generate. Pimentel pointed out similar problems with the biodiesel from soybeans. - Non Food

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